David Tor Puoch is Program Manager at CSPS. A graduate from university of Juba with a BA in Social Work. He joined humanitarian service as a Child Protection Officer with UNICEF, UNMISS and Save the Children in Upper Nile Region for a decade. While in Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO) under United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) before the independence of South Sudan, David was involved in monitoring and reporting on human and child rights based on UN Security Council Resolution 1612.
He was later on assigned by UNICEF as the focal point for children associated with armed forces and conflict and mine risk education in Greater Upper Nile Region where he participated in several demobilization exercises in various locations.
David also initiated the retrieval of abducted children and reunified them with their families in Jonglei State and western Ethiopian region, Gambella according to international legal framework.
David was appointed into National Parliament of South Sudan representing Maiwut County of Upper Nile State (2016-2021), where he was nominated as the Secretary General for South Sudan Parliamentary Network for Population and Development, working jointly with UNFPA.
Simon Gatluak Wicheng is a Program Officer with CSPS. He holds a masters degree in Governance and Development from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK, 2011 and a Bachelor degree in Development Administration from Ethiopian Civil Service University, 2001.
Prior to joining the Center, Simon worked as Head of Programme with WFP in Abyei Field Office, where he supervised and coordinated WFP Emergency Response and Livelihoods programmes for 7 years, participating in high level emergency response assessments and engaging communities, authorities and bilateral donors at Field Office level to support WFP operations
In addition, Simon worked with United Nations Development Programme’s Local Governance Recovery Programme, where he supported the Counties’ Planning Units in the Development and their Strategic Development Plans. He was instrumental in the development of Local Government Officers’ Training Manual and the Local Government Act, 2009.
Simon’s areas of expertise include: Policy Development, programme management and proposal development
John Gabriel Gok
Finance officer
John Gabriel Gok is the finance officer for CSPS. he graduated with Bachelor degree in Business Administration from University of Al Neelain, Sudan in 2011. Moreover, John had worked with Kenya Commercial Bank [KCB] as Teller, Customer care, and Back office from 2013-2018. Also, he had worked for Vocational Skills Development Organisation [VOSDO] as Admin and Finance for three years, starting from 2018 – 2020. Additionally, he worked with Sawa Pioneer Investment Group as Operation manager. John had also worked for Peace Friend's Community Development Organisation as Operation Manager for Quick Impact project from 2022 – 2023.
John can be reached through: johngmawien@gmail.com
Mujahied Abiyat Majok Machar
Senior Logistics &transport officer
Mujahied is the current Senior Logistics & transport officer at the CSPS. He graduated with a Diploma in Economics and Banking at the university of Juba in 2014. He holds a Sudan Secondary Certificate from Mohthamar high school in Khartoum in 2010. He was an intern at the Bank of South Sudan (BOSS) in 2015. Mujahied worked as a supervisor at Tacforce international security in Juba for a period from 2014 to 2016. He joined the Center for strategic and Policy Studies in 2016. He heads the logistics unit of CSPS.
Georgeta Edward Batista
Executive Assistant
Georgeta Edward Batista holds Bachelor degree in Psychology from University of Juba. She is fluent in English, French and Arabic. She has teaching experience at the University of Juba.
Email: georgetae@csps.org.ss
Research Assistant
Mr. Ricardo is a researcher and has experience in research consultancy in various areas, including monitoring and evaluation tools, accountability and Learning MEAL, Data Collection, Baseline surveys, End line, SMART and KAP surveys. Ricardo possesses skills in design, Sampling techniques, Capacity Building, Methodologies for monitoring, project management, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, cultural and diversity communication skills, and report writing Mr. Ricardo Holds postgraduate diploma in MEAL at Humanitarian Global Institute, Bachelor’s degree in Public Health at St. Lawrence University in Uganda, and currently Pursuing Master’s degree of Public Health. MPH at Cavendish university Uganda. Mr. Ricardo can be reached through: makuilricardo@gmail.com