

National and States Leadership Retreats

Duration: June 2021 (Ongoing)

Main Objectives:

  • CSPS to support organization of Leadership Retreats and related forums in support of the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan at the national and subnational levels as an implementing partner of UNMISS Political Affairs Division.
  • Preparation of relevant research and documentation relating to the role of the Revitalized Government of National Unity as it relates to the R-ARCSS.
  • Provide facilitation services at identified retreats, support production of strategic outlook document(s) based on lessons learned from forum activities.

Facilitation, Documentation, and Coordination: CSPS Experts

Funded By: United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Political Affairs Division

Understanding the Research Ecosystem in South Sudan through a Thematic Dialogue Series

Duration: 1st May 2021 – 30th April 2022 (Ongoing)

Main Objectives:

  • Facilitate six thematic dialogues with relevant stakeholders in South Sudan.
  • Map existing national-level research agenda, actors, and capacity, especially in relation to the thematic entry points.
  • Provide an overview of the emerging science system and promote an inclusive political and socio-economic transition and recovery process in South Sudan, integrating concerns for gender and inclusion.
  • Identify the strengths of local and national research organizations and the challenges they face in the research process from conceptualization to influence and uptake of findings.
  • Conduct mini case studies and examples of good practices that illustrate how research support and research strengthening have been successfully applied to address challenges and aspirations.
  • Identify key research gaps in relation to the six thematic entry points and propose a research agenda on these issues as well as recommendations on how to strengthen the research ecosystem over five and ten years.

Lead Researchers:

  • Prof. Melha Rout Biel: Principal Investigator (CSPS Executive Director)
  • Prof. Leben Nelson Moro: Research Consultant
  • Dr. Augustino Ting Mayai: Research Consultant
  • Dr. Flora Eyoha Severino Lado: Research Consultant
  • Ms. Kiden Sawala Lukudu: Research Consultant
  • Mr. Avelino Androga Said: Research Consultant
  • Mr. John Christopher Jagu: Research Consultant

Funded By: IDRC, Canada


National Covid-19 Stimulus Measure Tracker in South Sudan

Duration: 15th – 28th May 2021 (Closed)

Main Objectives:

  • Compare support provided to corporations with support directed at people (i.e., through social protection or support to the informal private sector).
  • Data entered in the scorecard relates to the period of Covid-19 policies, starting 1 February 2020 and including data until a cut-off point of 31 Jan 2021 or 31 December (whichever is available).

Lead Researcher: Dr. Augustino Ting Mayai

Funded By: Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Kenya

Review and Development of the Public Service Master Curriculum for the Government of South Sudan

Duration: January to March 2021 (Closed)

Main Objectives:

  • Review and update the Public Service Master Curriculum (PSMC) for the training of civil servants of South Sudan.
  • Contextualize the curriculum with relevant training modules for Super (Grades 1-6), Administrative and Professional Staff (Grades 7-9), Support Staff or Sub-professional and Technical Staff including Secretaries (Grades 10-14), and Unclassified Staff (Skilled from Grades 11-15 and Unskilled from Grades 16-17).

Lead Researcher: Mr. Avelino Androga Said

Funded By: UNDP, South Sudan

Assessment of the Capacity of Local Government/Authorities to Deliver Social Services in South Sudan

Duration: December 2020 to February 2021 (Closed)

Main Objectives:

  • The purpose of the assessment is to assess the capacity needs (what is there and what is needed) of local government to undertake sound development management. It is expected that the outcome of the assessment will identify entry points for support and frame a compact between national government, state and development partners in the delivery of some concrete service delivery results at the local level.
  • The assessment and recommendations will focus on the areas that states have exclusive competences for social service delivery, especially focusing on the following elements.
  • Capacity on resource management: budgeting; management and accountability of expenditure; asset management, tendering and procurement is done in an accountable and transparent manner; monitor transferred funds; performance audit, sound basic accounting controls.
  • Responsive governance and effective/efficient delivery of social services: Development planning and management; performance management; transparency and accountability; youth and women empowerment.

Lead Researcher: Dr Julia Aker Duany

Funded By: UNDP, South Sudan

Conflict and Connectivity Research in South Sudan

Duration: December 2020 to February 2021 (Closed)

Main Objectives:

  • European Union-funded research project on “Conflict and Connectivity”. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate how conflict relates to connectivity in order to draw attention to the mechanisms of control that are in place to influence people’s access to information during the conflict.
  • The research project will examine the relationship between conflict and connectivity in South Sudan’s Upper Nile region, Yei, and one refugee camp in Northern Uganda. The research will also examine how people access public information and how they communicate with each other during the conflict and in the absence of conflict. Specifically, the research will examine the accessibility, affordability, and availability of phone and Internet networks to the people, and how these factors have varied between 2013 and 2019.

Lead Researcher: Dr Chaplain Kara YOKOJU

Funded By: DEFYHATENOW, South Sudan

Mapping/Functional Assessment of Selected Public Institutions of South Sudan at National Level

Duration: 14 February to 30 March, 2020 (Closed)

Main Objectives:

  • The assessment, among other things, focuses on organizational setup/structure; functions and responsibilities; administrative and financial systems; skills required; external relations and coordination of activities; human resource requirements; and training needs of technical and support staff required to effectively implement the R-ARCSS. The finding of this assessment will help UNDP and stakeholders to identify and develop realistic, feasible and time-bound capacity surge strategies and actions for the implementation of chapters I and IV of R-ARCSS with the Government.

Lead Researcher: Dr James Solomon Padiet

Funded By: UNDP, South Sudan

First South Sudan – China Think Tank Forum

Duration: 25th October 2019

Main Objectives:

  • During the conference 8 papers were presented by scholars from China and South Sudan; the papers are currently being reviewed for publication and a comprehensive report on the conference will be compiled and published.
Workshop on Critical Analysis and Review of the R-ARCSS Implementation

Duration: 5th – 6th November, 2019

Main Objectives:

  • CSPS in collaboration with UNMISS and UNDP organized a two-day workshop on Critical Analysis and Review of the R-ARCSS Implementation.
  • Five academic papers were presented and followed by a robust and analytical discussion. CSPS and UNPD are reviewing the papers to be published into a book.
Breakfast Discussion and Strategic Thinking on Peace Process in South Sudan

Duration: 2018-2019 (closed)

Main Objectives:

  • The Breakfast discussion brings together policy makers, opinion leaders, activist leaders and decision makers linked directly or indirectly to the peace process in South Sudan to discuss issues relating to the R-ARCSS implementation. This high level engagement also aims at identifying action points for bridging the gaps in the R-ARCSS & forging positive steps towards the implementation timelines commitments by the parties, stakeholders and guarantors. The following indicators will demonstrate the impact of the project:
  • Improved good governance
  • Developed positive attitude towards R-ARCSS implementation
  • Restored durable peace and stability

Project Coordinator: Dr. James Okuk

Funded By: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Juba

Entry points and opportunities for women’s participation in decision-making related to peace building and reconciliation

Duration: 2017 – 2018 (closed)

Main Objectives:

  • The research was designed to generate information, strategies, recommendations, and action points that can be used to enhance women participation in decision-making, peace building, reconciliation and highlights best practices from the past.

Lead Researcher: Prof. Samson S. Wassara (assisted by team of researchers)

Funded By: Catholic Relief Service (CRS)