This research department concentrates on the establishment and evaluation of the economic sector, particularly in as far as it relates to both the sustainable development of South Sudan and the country’s cooperation with its neighboring countries. The program focuses on the management of resources, their distribution and their impact on national and regional economies as well as identifying strategic opportunities for forging partnerships with regional and international investors. Drawing on existing knowledge of issues pertaining to land reform, economic diversification, natural resources such as oil and water, and environmentally related conflicts, National Resource Management Department studies issues related to sustainable resource management. The department has the following six active research programs:

Agricultura land Forestry Industries

This program focuses on agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries, both as public and private sector programs in so far as they represent the cornerstones of employment-generating sectors. This research program focuses on analyzing best practices and strategies adopted by countries with similar sectors and national settings. Researchinthissectorstrivestoproduceinnovativewaystailoredtothe development of these key economic sectors areas that are vitally important for the lives and livelihoods of the rural populations. Research focuses on, among other areas, the use of different irrigation systems, hybrid seed and applied technologies in agriculture; models of community development and involvement in a nation-wide program (via cooperatives or other models of production) as well as on ways to generate and sustain local markets. A large part of the program will also deal with the land issue (customary and national law imperatives, ownership, and exploration by national and foreign enterprises). and there will be a cross-over with legal, traditional authorities, and the governance programs.

Mineral Resources owing to the fact that the mining industry in South Sudan is still underdeveloped, the focus of this research program is on examining the viability of the mining sector as well as the management of minerals and precious stones.

Oil and Gas Industry: The oil and gas industry is projected to produce a great impact on the economic development of South Sudan in the short- and medium terms, and will, therefore, require an in-depth research in various aspects of this vital economic sector. Research will focus not only on the extraction capacity, the export and development of the petroleum sector, but also on creative solutions to sharing borders and resources, and ways of developing sustainable national industries with revenues generated by petroleum. This programme will also focus on and applied technologies in agriculture; models of community development and involvement in a nation-wide programme (via cooperatives or other models of production) as well as on ways to generate and sustain local markets. A large part of the programme will also deal with the land issue (customary and national law imperatives, ownership, and exploration by national and foreign enterprises). and there will be a cross-over with legal, traditional authorities, and the governance programmes.

Mineral Resources owing to the fact that the mining industry in South Sudan is still underdeveloped, the focus of this research program is on examining the viability of the mining sector as well as the management of minerals and precious stones.

Oil and Gas Industry: The oil and gas industry is projected to produce a great impact on the economic development of South Sudan in the short- and medium terms, and will, therefore, require in-depth research in various aspects of this vital economic sector. The research will focus not only on the extraction capacity, the export, and development of the petroleum sector, but also on creative solutions to sharing borders and resources, and ways of developing sustainable national industries with revenues generated by petroleum.This program will also focus on research in renewable sources of energy such as biofuels, in a cross-over project with the land and agriculture program.

Wildlife, Animal Resources, and Fisheries: Preliminary studies have shown that South Sudan has millions of heads of cattle with estimates also showing a huge, sustainable harvest of thousands of tons of riverfish. Huge, diverse numbers of wild animals and vast wilderness are seen not only as great potentials for a vibrant tourist industry, but also as the key source of livelihood for the majority of the population in South Sudan. Consequently, this research programme focuses on identifying ways to activate trade in these areas throughout the region, on one hand, and on creating effective mechanisms to allow for the continued development of these areas without the potential for community conflict, on the other hand.

Water management: Apart from the flow of sixty percent of the River Nile through South Sudan, there are over ten tributaries of the Nile all over South Sudan. Additionally, the huge swamps known as the Sudd is a haven for marine life, including fish and fauna characterized by tremendous bio- diversity. The study of irrigation systems: the use of hydro-power, and other forms of water system management will be the key focus of this programme.

Economic management: The rudimentary nature of the economy in South Sudan, due to lack of entrepreneurship and

industries, requires a special short and medium-term economic empowerment policy aimed at empowering emerging traders, entrepreneurs and small industrialists. Focused research programs will be needed to identify the processes required for these empowerment initiatives. This will be a culmination of all the knowledge and analysis generated from the previous program in this research department.