This department focuses on issues of national security, strategic regional and international geopolitics, human security dynamics, and internal strategic policies as they relate to South Sudan. In a context of regional instability, with neighboring countries facing divergent security threats and unrest and the shifts in international security priorities require a focused research program.
Internal strategic Interests & Security The definition and identification of strategic national security of any country fall within the framework of national strategic planning, often based on the principles of collective responsibility and responsibility to protect. Similarly, a well-defined national interest assists countries to plan their domestic and external relations priorities. Unless the country clearly has defined its national interest and security, actors inside and outside its borders will intervene to define interests that benefit them. National interest must be linked to the strategic needs and survival basis of the society that forms the country. These interests may be internally or externally based.
Security Sector Reform This department contributes to the promotion of peace and security through the establishment of a civilian-controlled security sector, professional armed forces, accountable police forces, intelligence services, and successful disarmament and reintegration programs for the demobilized combatants.
Regional Security and Geopolitics National security, trans-boundary and regional geopolitics are vital ingredients that inform
regional security arrangements, in which the Republic of South Sudan plays an active role. The proximity of fragile and unstable states in the region and the neighborhood can be critical in defining the quality of the relationship between a country and its neighbours.
International Security and Geopolitics The management of strategic geopolitics of international relations is an essential tool that a
new independent state such as South Sudan should be cognizant of in order for it to thrive. Given the country’s geographical location in East Africa and its proximity to the geostrategic Horn of Africa, it is vitally important to understand the interconnectedness of international security, regional and national security imperatives, strategies and potentially conflicting agendas and priorities.
Conflict Management and Resolution An assessment of the Regional/UN-based conflict resolution mechanisms seems to reveal that these mechanisms tend to avoid addressing the root causes of conflicts and prefer to promote short-lived compromises. They tend to be exclusive and biased towards the larger groups engaging in armed conflicts, hence peace agreements resulting from these conflict resolution paradigms are not inclusive. They tend to alienate the local population and civil society organizations from the peace process. The objective of this program is to inform the African Union and other local and domestic African initiatives for peace and conflict resolution, as well as to find adequate mediation strategies for local and national conflicts within South Sudan.