About Us

Kimo Aban ADIEBO

Senior Research Fellow

Kimo Aban ADIEBO is Senior Research Fellow at CSPS and an Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Juba where he served as Head, Department of Economics and Executive Director in the Office of the Vice Chancellor. He is an economist by training and profession with over 25 years of experience in academia, research, training and capacity building with an extensive professional work experience in provision of consultancy services for UN Agencies, NGOs, and CSOs, development and international financial institutions. He has been involved in strategy and policy formulation, budget preparation, curricula design and review, formulation of teaching and training materials for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students. His research interests include: natural resource economics, macroeconomic monitoring, macroeconomic and structural policies, macroeconomics of conflict and fragility, intergovernmental fiscal relations, fiscal Policy, monetary policy, economic growth, debt and fiscal Sustainability, and public sector management. He had worked for four years (2012-2016) with the World Bank South Sudan Country Office Juba Office. He supported the Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management Global Practice Team of the World Bank in providing analytical advice to the government, with the view of accelerating growth and poverty reduction in South Sudan. He has authored numerous economic articles and has previously conducted and participated in a variety of training and capacity building seminars on economic issues in Sudan and South Sudan. He represented the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of South Sudan at the First Nile Basin Economists’ Forum, which was organized in Entebbe, Uganda during May 16-17, 2017. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Juba (Sudan) and two MSc degrees from the University of Aberdeen (UK), and the University of Khartoum (Sudan). E-mail: lual.kimo@gmail.com

Arop Leek Deng

Senior Research Fellow

Arop Leek Deng is a Senior Research Fellow at CSPS and holds B.Sc. (Agriculture) Applied Entomology and M.SC. (Agriculture), Applied Entomology both from University of Khartoum, Sudan and PhD (Agriculture), Pesticides Chemistry at the University of Alexandria, Egypt. He is currently a Dean of Graduate College, University of Juba and former Director, Directorate of Research and Publications, University of Juba and was Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Egerton University, Kenya. Dr. Arop is an author of several publications in referred journals some of which include Bett P. K., Deng, A. L., Ogendo J. O., Karuiki S. T., Mugisha-Kamatenesi M, Mihale J. M. and Torto B. (2017). Residual contact toxicity and repellence of Cupressus lusitenica Miller and Eucalyptus saligna Smith essential oils against major stored products insect pests. Industrial Crops and Products, 110: 65-74, Bett P. K., Deng, A. L., Ogendo J. O., Karuiki S. T., Mugisha-Kamatenesi M, Mihale J. M. and Torto B. (2016). Chemical composition of Cupressus lusitenica Miller and Eucalyptus saligna Smith leaf essential oils and bioactivity against major insect pests of stored food grains. Industrial Crops and Products, 82: 51-62. He has patents works on “A new plant-based pyrethrins’ synergist alternative to piperonyl butoxide (PBO), 2007 and Pulse width modulated (PMW) wave transmitter for controlling mate-seeking mosquitoes 2005. E-mail: agerkuei@gmail.com


Research Fellow

Anne ITTO holds a BSc in Agriculture from University of Khartoum, MSc, Applied Entomology Imperial College London, UK and PhD in Entomology from Kansas State University, USA. She is recipient of Afrograd Scholarship in 1984. She had lectured at University of Juba, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies. In 1994 Dr. Anne worked with Catholic Relief Service (CRS), as a field-based project manager, for USAID Funded Umbrella Grant Projects. From 1998 - 2005, she served as Deputy Team Leader of the SPLM Development Assistance Technical team (DATT) in the Office of the SPLM Chairman. She is the author of several referred articles, journals and working papers. She is seasoned agronomist and experienced senior cadre of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) holding the office of Deputy Secretary General and Acting Secretary General from 2007-2015. Dr. Anne also served in the portfolio of State Minister for Agriculture and Forestry in Sudan, Minister of Cooperative and Rural Development, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and Presidential Advisor for Agriculture and Food security in South Sudan. She is currently Member of East African Legislative Assembly representing South Sudan.

Biong Kuol DENG

Research Fellow

Biong Kuol Deng is research fellow at CSPS and holds SJD (PhD) in Law, Madison Law School, University of Wisconsin USA, LLM, Columbia University School of Law, Columbia University, USA and LLB, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum, Sudan. Dr. Deng is the author of more than twenty peer-reviewed articles-journal and book articles- on law, peace and governance. Dr. Deng had worked for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations, for more than ten years; Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) for five years; International IDEA for four years as its diplomatic representative to the Republic of South Sudan; he has been Professor of Law, College of Law, University of Juba, South Sudan since 2015; He has been senior advocate since 2009 and currently holding the post of Chairperson at the South Sudan Public Grievances Chamber. Dr. Deng has been governance expert, constitutional and property rights lawyer, policy analyst, and development expert, by profession, with over thirty five years of practical experiences at the regional and international levels. Email: jangd2010@gmail.com


Senior Research Fellow

Prof. Samba Buri MBOUP is a Senior Research Fellow at CSPS. He was educated at the Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop University and in France. He holds a Doctorate in General & Comparative Literature (Thesis on the Wolof Literature and Orature), and a University Diploma in Swahili/Bantu Language and Civilization, both from Sorbonne University, Paris. He speaks French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, as well as Wolof (mother-tongue) and Swahili (an African Union official language). Currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies and Head of the Department of Languages and Culture at the Pan African Cultural and Research Institute of Yène (Senegal), he is also a founding member of the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute. Formerly an Associate Professor at the University of South Africa (UNISA) from October 2006 to December 2012, Prof. Mboup also served as Ambassador of Senegal to Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (August 2001/July 2006). In that capacity, he was a co-opted member in the NEPAD Steering Committee; he also served as a NEPAD resource-person and an African Union expert in the areas of education and governance. As an International consultant in Development anthropology and Strategic studies, he has conducted several missions for the UN General Secretariat and UN Agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNHCHR, UNHCR, UNESCO) in African countries such as Mozambique, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Mali, Cape Verde, Angola, Senegal, Central African Republic, Chad, Rep. of Congo, Niger. A co-translator into French (1986) of Walter Rodney’s How Europe underdeveloped Africa (ÉditionsCaribéennes, Paris, 1986), Dr Mboup has published in Portuguese a book on Gender (“Estatuto e Papel da Mulher Africana desde Ontem para Amanhã: para uma Avaliação crítica, Luanda, 1994), as well as several book chapters and articles in English and French, in peer-reviewed journals, on themes such as linguistic and cultural anthropology, Development studies, education, gender, leadership, African renaissance, Pan-Africanism. Contact details: P.O. Box 45837, Dakar-Fann (Senegal) Tel: +221-33 820 7728 (Office)/ 77 640 5023 (Cell./WhatsApp) Email: newedgeconsulting@gmail.com

Dr. Bill Gueth Kueil

Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Bill Gueth Kueil is a Senior Research Fellow at CSPS. He is a registered Medical Epidemiologist and Infectious Diseases Consultant. Dr. Bill obtained in 1995, a Diploma in curative and preventive medicine from Health Training Institute (Wau). He holds a Masters degree in international health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen- Denmark in 2008.. He was accepted as PhD fellow in molecular Genetics at University of Khartoum in 2010. Dr. Bill is currently finalizing a PhD degree research in Tropical and Infectious Diseases at University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Among many positions, Dr Bill worked with Ministry of health, Unity state Bentiu at Bentiu Civil Hospital, Medical Director from 1996 to 1999: Director General for MOH from 1997 to 1999in the Ministry of Health, Gazira state Wedmadani(Northern part of Sudan) He also worked at Elnuba rural hospital, Medical Director from 1999 to 2000. He worked with Action Contra la Faim-France, Mission Sudan in Bentiu as Medical Supervisor from /2000 to /2003.

He worked with the Ministry of health Unity State Bentiu, Sudan as Director of primary health care and HIV/AIDS from 2003 to 2005 and also as Head department of preventive medicine and Disease control from 2005 to 2007. Moreover, he worked with Health Net TPO HIV/AIDS advisor from May-2011---May 2012 and with CARE INTERNATIONAL-SOUTH SUDAN as Health project Manage in Bentiuin/2012.

Dr. Bill teaching experience include working as assistant lecturer at department of International Health, Immunology & Microbiology- University of Copenhagen from 2006 to 2008; Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine University of Upper Nile from 2008 to 2009, teaching transitional Epidemiology; tought HIV/AIDS Course in Nile Theological College in South Sudan from 2016__2021; and a lecturer at South Sudan College of Physicians and Surgeons since 2019.

Some of Dr. Bill publications include: Maternal mortality in Sudan oct2007 says newsletters.www.says.com. Prevalence of malaria and use of malaria risk reduction measures among resettled pregnant women in South Sudan. 12/July/2013 at Journal of International Health-UK https://academic.oup.com/inthealth/article-abstract/5/3/211/651499; Lay perceptions of malaria and therapeutic itinerary of resettled pregnant women in South Sudan. 4/Aug/2014 at Journal of International Health https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25091025/; Blood Group ABO, Placental Malaria Parasitization and Pregnancy Outcome in Munuki Primary health Centre in South Sudan.22/July/2022 at Haematology International Journal _USA; https://medwinpublishers.com/HIJ/blood-group-abo-placental-parasitisasion-and-pregnancy-outcome-in-muniki-primary-health-centre-in-south-sudan.pdf

Prof. Dirk Kotze

Senior Research Fellow

Prof Dirk Kotze is a Professor of Political Science at University of South Africa (Unisa). He is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS). He has obtained a BA (cum laude) from University of Stellenbosch, 1982; another BA Honours (cum laude) also from University of Stellenbosch, 1983, MA (Political Science) (cum laude) from University of Stellenbosch, 1985: "An analysis of the ideology of the South African Communist Party, 1950-1984" (in Afrikaans); MA (History) from University of Pretoria, 1988: "The political cartoons of D.C. Boonzaier in De Burger, 1915-1924: political communication by means of cartoons, from a historical perspective" (in Afrikaans) and Ph.D. (Political Studies) from University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1997: "The development of the South African Communist Party's interpretation of the national question" .

Prof. Kotze teaches in the Department of Political Sciences at the University of South Africa (Unisa. He was a Lecturer 1988-1989; Senior Lecturer 1990-2005; Associate Professor 2005-2007; Professor since 2008; and became the Chairperson of Department of Political Sciences 2008 – 2011.

Kim Jial LIAH

Research Fellow

Kim Jial LIAH is a Research Fellow at CSPS and a Protection Specialist with the United Nations. His current area of research is the Origin of Nilotic People, focusing on the Naath People of Africa. He holds Bachelor of Management and a Master of Education and Development from Oslo Metropolitan University in Oslo, Norway and another Master of Law in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law from Aberystwyth University in Wales (UK). Mr. Kim has in-depth professional experience in the field of Human Rights, Child Protection and prevention of Gender Based Violence in humanitarian settings. He worked for United Nations and International Non-Governmental Organizations in South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, and Iraq, etc. for the past 17 years. E-mail: kckuon@gmail.com

Chaplain Kara YOKOJU

Research Fellow

Dr. Yokoju is a Research Fellow at CSPS and a Senior Lecturer at Institute of Peace, Development and Security Studies – University of Juba and is the Head of Development Communication Department. He obtained PhD in Diplomacy and International Relations from University of Juba. He has Master’s Degree in International and Regional Relations from the University of South Australia. He taught in three Australian Universities (Murdoch University, University of Western Australia and Curtin University of Technology; 1998 - 2008) before joining the University of Juba. He studied Development Experience in the Third World at Deaken University in Geelong, Melbourne - Victoria – Australia. He also studied Communications at the University of South Australia. E-mail: yokojukara@gmail.com

Atem Simon Mabior

Research Fellow

Is a Research Fellow and Coordinator of MUNTADA ALFIKR (Thought Forum) at CSPS. His areas of research include political analysis and Social studies. He holds Bachelor Degree in Sociology and Folklore from the University of Dongula and a post graduate diploma from the University of Khartoum in Sociology . He is also an experienced researcher in Cultural Studies . Mr. Simon has many contributions in political analysis and published a book in Arabic on the political situation in south Sudan. He is working at Juba based Almaugif daily newspaper as Editorial advisor Email: tmmabior@yahoo.com


Research Fellow

Ms. Jervase is a Research Fellow at CSPS. She is a development economist and peace advocate. She holds a Masters’ degree in Economics, Finance and Development from the University of Bradford in England, and a Bachelor degree in Economics and Social Science from the University of Khartoum in Sudan. She previously worked as a research assistant at the Peace Research Institute (PRI), and the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) at the University of Khartoum in Sudan. She currently works as a Strategy and Resource Planning Specialist at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Juba. Elizabeth is a staunch emerging leader and peace activist. She has been working in the field of peace-building and transformational leadership since she was 19 years old when she was elected the president of the Khartoum University Southern Sudanese Students Association (KUSSA) in 2010. In July 2021, she was nationally recognized by the South Sudanese Women Intellectual Forum and awarded certificate of appreciation in Youth leadership and Activism. Also regionally, she was featured among 100 most influential African women working towards development by Donors for Africa in May 2020. She is the current United States Institute of Peace (USIP)’s Youth Country Liaison.

Dr. Flora Eyoha Severino Lado

Research Fellow

Dr. Flora Eyoha Severino Lado is Assistant Professor in the University of Juba and has been teaching in the University of Juba for the last 20 years and up to date. She teaches mostly but not limited to School of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, and School of Engineering and Architecture. Dr, Flora also held a number of administrative positions in the University of Juba in the position of Head of the Department, Project Coordinator, and is the Interim Dean of School of Petroleum and Minerals. .Dr. Flora obtained her: PhD in Mining Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA in 2020. Her PhD research was in Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery and Potential Benefits for Use of Produced Water for Agriculture and Food Security: A Case Study of Oil Fields in South Sudan, Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering from Universiti Tecknologi PETRONAS in Malaysia and her Thesis tile is.: Identification of potential low resistivity and low contrast reservoir in Envcor Field, Malay Basin, Malaysia, and Bachelor of Science in Geology and Mining from University of Juba with a thesis title Geology and Mineralization of Abedia Area in North Sudan.Dr. Flora is a member of Professional Societies: Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE), and American Association of Petroleum Geoscience (AAPG) . She is the current Faculty Advisor for SPE Student Chapter in University of Juba.

Dr. Jonathan Henriques

Research Fellow

Dr. Jonathan Henriques is a Research Fellow at CSPS. He holds a JD and PhD from Indiana University. For over a decade Dr Henriques has been focused on South Sudan in state and peace-building spaces, including constitution drafting and governance capacity building, as well as advisory support during the IGAD peace process. His PhD investigated bottom-up approaches to constitution-making in South Sudan, which he is developing into a book project. Dr Henriques is also currently researching the peacemaking and stabilization roles of local governance in South Sudan, with strategic implications for collaborative constituency engagement, community-focused policy making, and improvements to local service delivery. He can be reached at jonathan.j.henriques@gmail.com

Dr. Ahmed Yagoub Abakar

Research Fellow

Dr. Ahmed Yagoub is a Research Fellow at CSPS. He is a Laboratory doctor, researcher, and translator. He studied at the University of Khartoum. He is a writer, critic and teacher of Philosophy at the Institute for Political and Leadership Training. He is also a former Lecturer at Hakima Academy of Health Sciences. Dr. Ahmed writes commentaries and articles for several electronic newspapers. He writes on also cultural studies and sociology.

Dr. Ahmed has published some works which include “The Biography of Fragmentation and Anxiety; "The Question of Philosophy in Sudan"; “the cultural revolution in Sudan; and "The Political Mind of Sudan" He is the Editor in Chief of Legacy magazine, which is a bilingual Arabic and English magazine concerned with thought, philosophy and literature. Email: ahmedyagoub8@gmail.com