South Sudan Center for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS) was established in July 2011, just a week after the country’s independence, with the aim of participating in the development of the country through research.
The search for knowledge and wisdom has continued to be the first priority of humankind over the ages, with the objective of finding solutions to existential challenges, on one hand and managing expectations on the other hand. Consequently, research and technology have proven to be the best tools to diagnose and provide possible solutions to almost all human problems. Indeed, the desire and the potential to transform human environment to the better has always stimulated human curiosity to learn more about options that will make it possible to either influence or predict the best or worst possible future options for the course of humanity.
Research think-tanks help institutions develop informed policies that adequately address developmental, security, social-economic conundrums (dilemmas) of any country. As a new country, the Republic of South Sudan-through its research institutions and think-tanks has the potential to contribute to human knowledge and to also adapt to the ever-changing world of technology. To that end, the board of directors of South Sudan Center for Strategic and Policy Studies has identified research gaps and some critical needs, not only of the country but also those of the neighboring countries.
Consequently, CSPS has developed research programs geared towards shaping a democratic developmental state based on participatory democracy and good governance under the aegis of which sustainable development, human and natural resources are utilized for the sole purpose of enhancing the well-being of the population.
A key aspect of the future success of CSPS’s efforts to best inform the analysis and policy-research process depends on the Center’s ability to help build a nation-wide network of researchers and civil society members with a view to harness the power of such a network to both obtain and produce factually correct, unbiased and detailed information in real-time.
The Center’s objectives, goals and mission as well as research programs are outlined in great detail in this profile. Our motto, “Living the Future today,” inspires us to work hard every day as if there were no tomorrow.
1.1. Official Working Hours
The office working hours for the staff of CSPS are as follows: Official working days shall be from Monday to Friday Workinghoursstartfrom9:00AMto5:00PM Staffshalltake15minutesbreakwithintheirworkinghours
One hour for lunch from1:00PM to 2:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays shall be holidays
In light of the above, the administration may determine the normal working hours according to the nature of work and provided that this is done within the time brackets specified above.
All staff members are expected to arrive for work on time. Late morning arrival or leaving early will lead to disciplinary action. Repeated violation may lead to termination of contract or dismissal from work.
Occasionally, it may be necessary to be absent from work as a result of unforeseeable circumstances, illness or other personal reasons, in such cases, a staff is expected to give the administration as much advance notice as possible prior to being absent. If the absence cannot be predicted in advance the staff should take responsibility to contact and notify the Executive Secretary during office hours.
1.2. Decency
Members of staff are expected to display dignity and command respect of fellow workers and the wider public, especially in relation to communication and the dress code.
1.3. Office Dress Code
CSPS employees are expected to dress and keep themselves in a neat and tidy manner at all times. They shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the decency of personal dress.
1.4. Staff Code of Conduct
CSPS staff members must dedicate their full service to the Center and must serve with efficiency and respect. Staff must observe the following basic duties and responsibilities:
Not to absent him/herself from work without permission or reasonable grounds. Maintain punctuality Devote him/herself to his/her duty and carry out such duty faithfully and diligently. Respect and maintain orders or instructions of his/her supervisor or any other officer authorized to issue such orders or instructions, and be willing and prompt whenever required to carry out an
official duty.
Represent CSPS in internal and external conferences considered to be beneficial for the improvement of the performance level of the staff.
CSPS Human Resource Manual 2
Avoidactinginamanner,orexhibitingconduct,thatisdeemedincompatiblewiththeproper performance of his/her duty or unbefitting his/her official position. Not disclose any information he/she has acquired in the course of his/her official duty if that information is of confidential nature or if the instructions have been issued for such information to be considered as confidential. The staff must maintain the confidentiality of such information even after the date of the termination of his/her service. Perform his/her duty in accordance with the policies ,regulations and instructions. Unless authorized in writing, he/she may neither keep or take for him/herself for any body who is not specifically authorized to possess the original or copy of any official document, or detach from the file the original or a copy of such document, even if such document is concerned with the duties that the member of staff has personally been directed to carry out. 1.4.1. Harassment
Every employee, including the messengers, should be free to pursue their professional activities without anykindofovertorcovertharassment. Anyformofsexualadvanceorrequestforsexualfavorsbyanyone working for this Center is unacceptable. Remarks or inferences on the part of any person, which serve to identify personal, physical or sexual characteristic of a person or other colleague, and which are deemed offensive to the recipient (s), are unacceptable, even if the remarks were intended to be friendly and or humorous. No employees of CSPS should use sexist language in the working environment. Anyone who holds higher position should cultivate an awareness of power structures and potential sources of tension withintheworkingenvironment,especiallywhereonesexisinminority. TopmanagementintheCSPS should make clear to all employees that agreed procedures for cases of sexual harassment/abuse/exploitation exist both within the work place and the society. All employees, including messengers should be informed of the existence of such policies as part of their induction.
The top management has an imperative duty to maintain a work place that is free from sexual harassment and intimidation. Any employees subjected to sexual harassment/abuse/exploitation should report such conduct to a specified management figure. Staff shall recognize their professional and ethical responsibility to protect the interests of the people working for the CSPS and to respect the trust involved in the staff relationship and accept the constraints inherent in that responsibility. It is the responsibility of the staff member concerned to inform appropriate colleagues or superiors about the incidents of alleged sexual harassment. Staff should be aware that failure to initiate this course of action will make them vulnerable to allegationsoffavoritism. Staffwhoare,orwhohavebeen,involvedinsexualorromanticrelationships with a colleague, and who do not consider their involvement to have been truly consensual, have the right of complaint under the Code of Conduct.
1.4.2. Conflict of Interest
Every staff member has a duty to act in the best interest of CSPS. Staff members who have, directly or through family or business connections, an interest in suppliers of goods or services, or in contractors or potential contractors with CSPS, should not undertake to act for CSPS in any transaction involving that interest. No Staff member shall participate in the selection, award or administration of a contract with any party with whom he or she negotiating respecting potential employment or has any arrangement concerning potential employment.
CSPS Human Resource Manual 3
Staff members shall avoid outside employment or business activity involving obligations which may in any way conflict, or appear to conflict, with CSPS’s interest, including its interest in the full or part-time as the case may be, services of its staff members.
Each Staff member shall provide full disclosure of any business or financial enterprise or activity in which he or she is involved which might influence, or might appear to have the capacity to influence his or her official decisions or actions on CSPS matters. Disclosure shall be in writing tendered to the staff member’s direct supervisor of the department.
Staff members shall refrain from personal activities, including but not limited to the purchase or sale of real estate, physical property or other goods or services in which they could use or might appear to have the opportunity to use for personal gain, confidential information or special knowledge gained as a result of their relationship with the CSPS.
Each Staff member shall refrain from unauthorized disclosure of non-public information concerning the CSPS’s affairs.
No staff member shall make unauthorized use of CSPS resources for his or her personal benefit or for the benefit of any other person.
Decision making in the matter in which a conflict of interest may exist may not only create an appearance of impropriety, but may violate the law. CSPS believes that it is useful to attempt to reduce to written form some basic guidelines to which Staff members can refer in evaluating potential conflict situations. CSPS publishes these guidelines mindful of the fact that the good judgment of its staff is essential, and that no list of rules or guidelines can provide direction for all the varied circumstances that may arise.
No staff member shall act in any CSPS matter involving a member of his or her immediate family, including but not limited to matters affecting such family member’s employment, evaluation or advancement in the CSPS, without first making full disclosure. Such disclosure shall include the nature of the familial relationship and the impact or potential impact of the staff member’s action on such family member.
In any case in which a staff member believes that his or her conduct or activities may conflict with these guidelines or activities, or may appear to conflict with these guidelines or may otherwise create a conflict of interest, the staff member should disclose the details of his/her situation with a relevant official in the CSPS.
1.4.3. Dual Relationships:
Dual relationships are those in which a senior staff member is acting in at least one other role besides a professionalone. Forexample,oneofthedirectorsissupervisingajuniorstaffsheorheismarried,orthe directoristrainingastaffheorsheisdating. Somedualrelationshipsmaynotbeharmfulalthoughtherisks of damage to either the normally impartial professional role of the more senior colleagues or to the personal or social status of the more junior colleagues are high. Such relationships carry risks, including deleterious consequences for the junior colleagues, impairment of professional judgment on the part of the senior colleague, and the possible degradation of the quality of the working environment. Additionally, dual relationships between superiors and subordinates create a number of problems, including problems associated with the maintenance of boundaries of professional and personal life, disruption of teamwork, biasinassessmentordamagetothequalityoftheworkingenvironment. Therefore,seniorstaffshouldnot hire a relative to work with him or her in the same department.
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1.4.4. Personal visitors and Relatives:
Friends and relatives of staff are to be discouraged from visiting the Center during working hours.
1.4.5. Personal Gifts:
It is sound practice to discourage personal gifts and favors from people with whom the CSPS has a business relationship. Personal gifts of more than nominal value should be tactfully declined or returned, to avoid any appearance or suggestion of improper influence. Those staff members involved in the awarding or administration of contracts using CSPS funds should keep in mind that they are prohibited by law from soliciting or accepting gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors or potential contractors.
1.4.6. Staff Performance Appraisal
As a research based institution, the CSPS is committed to the development and growth of its staff and subscribestothesystematicapproachperformanceappraisalbothformalandinformal,inorderto: Identify an individual’s current level of job performance; Identify staff strength and weaknesses; Enable staff to improve their performance; Provide a base for rewarding staff in relation to their contribution to overall goals of the CSPS; Improve communication between staff and their supervisors and, Motivate staff and identity training and development needs;
Promotion, discipline, termination and training as well as all other aspects of Staff management shall be governed by the principle of individual merit and performance in the job. Personal performance will guide the salary increase and career advancement, as CSPS is a research learning base institution. Ratings
During the process of performance appraisal, the evaluating staff or the supervisor of the department may use rates to determine staff performance as follows:
A. Excellent:
This rating shall be reserved for staff member who throughout the year consistently go beyond the implementation level outlined in their job descriptions.
· Criteria: Generating new, practical ideas that improve not only the staff member’s own work effectiveness, but also thatoftheoverallworkingcondition. Assumingexpandedresponsibilitiesforteameffortsnotincludedin their job descriptions. Taking initiatives to promote CSPS.
B. Very good;
This rating indicates that the individual consistently performs to the standards and expectations as defined in his/her job descriptions. The staff member demonstrates the knowledge, ability, skills and attitudes requires by the job for which he/she has been hired.
C. Good:
This rating indicates that the staff barely performed his/her responsibilities showing some improvement.
D. Satisfactory-needs improvement:
This rating indicates that the evaluated staff member needs to improve in one or more key areas of responsibilities as outlined in his/her job description.
CSPS Human Resource Manual 5
E. Low-poor performance:
This rating indicates the staff consistently performed below the standards and expectations set.
1.5. Computer Filing System:
The most common way in which computerized information is lost is through damage USB and computer viruses. As a precautionary measure, files should be backed up and no outside USB should be run on office computers without the approval of the head of the administration
1.6. Filling of documents:
The CSPS filling system must take into consideration the following: Ÿ Thetypeofdocuments
The importance of physical protection of documents; Delay between demands for documentations and its production;
Length of time required to retain documents; and Who is going to use the files and how files can be easily identified.
1.7. Checking Outgoing Mail:
The executive director and others with supervisory functions must recognize that they will be held responsible for the content of all communication emanating from their offices. Given this, all staff expected to review first thing every morning all out going communications from the previous day. If any error or miscommunications is deleted it is the responsibility of the head of department to take action to rectify it.
1.8. E-mail:
All staff must use only CSPS account to communicate and received official emails. All staff are prohibited to use e-mail facilities to harass, abuse or offend other staff members or the public
1.9. Confidentiality of official communication
All staff members shall exercise a high degree of secrecy in handling official information and documents that come into their knowledge and possession in the course of their CSPS duties. A member of staff shall not communicate, without permission, to any person or body, any confidential official information. Amemberofstaffshallnotdisclose,publishorassistinpublication,ormakepublicorcausetomake public any materials or information relating to the CSPS unless when executing official duties or with the permission of the executive director. No member of staff shall, except with the express permission of the executive director or when executing official duties, Issue, on behalf of or for the CSPS, any verbal or written
statement to the press, radio, or other mass media; No member of staff shall allow or cause oneself to be interviewed on matters relating to the CSPS policies and activities;
No member of staff shall with hold any information that might be of vital importance to the CSPS; CSPS Human Resource Manual 6
1.10. Office Equipment and machinery
All materials and equipment should be used with care to enable them to have a long life. They may not be used for personal use without a written or verbal permission of the director of administration. All members ofstaffarerequiredtobehaveinmanners,whichprecludesaccidentsasfarasishumanlypossible. Staff should use office equipment as follows:
All machines must be switched off when work is finished and unplugged from outlet sockets. Only authorized technicians should be allowed to attend to faulty machines. It is prohibited to move/transfer office equipment or materials without permission from administration.
While there is someone employed to clean the office, staff members are expected to keep their offices, kitchen and toilet as clean as possible. All staff has the responsibility of ensuring that their offices, equipment and desks are kept in a neat and orderly condition. 1.10.1. Use of official mobile phones
The use of official mobile phones for personal/private calls is inadmissible within office hours except in special case or urgency. Access to official mobile phones is for business purposes only. Note that abuse of mobile phones will result in disciplinary action being taken.
1.10.2. Photocopying:
The office-photocopying machine is for official use only. Any staff found using it for personal purpose, shall be liable to disciplinary action. Personal copies can only be made with permission from the administration
1.10.3. Notice Board
The CSPS shall maintains a notice board for internal announcements. The notice board is for general information. From time to time, staff members should check if there are any issues that affect them. The administration shall regularly add and removes items from the board to keep it up-to-date.
1.11. The Use of CSPS Library:
No person should be allowed to borrow or take a book from library or read outside. Guests should be approved first and must sign on the guest book to read a book from the library. must have library membership cards.
1.12. CSPS Premises Security:
The CSPS office premises must be guarded overnight, weekends and public holidays by police or security guards, in case the guard has not arrived by the time last person wants to leave the office, the guard/police must be notified by the last person leaving. All staff members must guard against:
Un-authorized and undesirable visitors, Leaving open doors and windows which should be closed and locked Allowingofaccessandcopyingofallkindsofdocumentstounauthorizedpeople
Talking and discussing confidential matters both inside and outside the CSPS Taking files/documents out of the offices Utterances/actions that might compromise private lives of other staff members. Leaving cars and bicycles in a place where they can be tampered with
1.1 CSPS Financial System
Chapter One Overview
South Sudan Center for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS) is a non-profit think-tank institution established to foster and pioneer research on building a democratic developmental state and a well-informed nation. CSPS works towards achieving a stable, prosperous and peaceful South Sudan and a region characterized by respect for the rule of law, sustainable and equitable development, socio-economic justice, political empowerment, accountability, transparency, collaborative security, and participatory citizenry
Owing to the fact that the CSPS’s financial system encompasses all the personnel, resources, systems and activities that work together to carry out in an effective manner the financial and accounting functions of the Center, there is a great need to develop clear guidelines for the manner in which such activities are carried out. This manual, therefore, seeks to streamline the functions of all the elements within this system to ensure that all the activities of the Center are carried out in a systematic manner so as to safeguard and add value to assets as well as facilitate and enhance financial reporting.
The implementation of sound financial and accounting systems is, therefore, designed in such a way as to ensure that:
a) All transactions are executed only upon proper approval and authorization;
b) Only valid transactions are recorded accurately to permit preparation of financial statements that conform to generally accepted international accounting standards, and
c) All assets are safeguarded in a healthy control environment.
1.2 Purpose of this Manual
a) The key purpose of designing this accounting policies and procedures manual is to provide guidelines to all staff at CSPS, particularly the Finance and Accounting staff, for the orderly execution of their respective responsibilities which aim at preparing the center’s financial statements.
b) These guidelines provide sets of operating and reporting financial standards and practices which comply with internationally accepted accounting standards, including those of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
c) They also aim at ensuring that key financial guidelines and requirements as well as those of well-managed organizations within the not-for-profit sector have been taken into account.
d) The manual aims to set out the basic framework of systems that will provide adequate levels of internal controls, including budgetary control.
e) The manual also aims at ensuring and promoting the principles of accountability and transparency generally referred to as good corporate governance code.
1.3 Authority of the Manual
a) In developing this manual, consideration was given to all applicable International Accounting Standards, International Public Sector Accounting Standards and the South Sudan financial regulatory frameworks.
b) The manual also has the approval of the Executive Director and the full authority of the Board of Directors. Failure to comply with any policies and procedures contained in this manual may render an employee liable to disciplinary action. A plea of ignorance will not be acceptable as an excuse for non-compliance.
c) If for any reason a given policy or procedure cannot be implemented, it would be incumbent upon the responsible official to notify the immediate senior in writing, detailing the circumstances and submitting an alternative policy or procedure for the approval of the Executive Director, who shall either endorse or reject the exception and the procedure to be valid as a replacement.
1.4 Scope of the Manual
This manual is intended to cover all aspects of the control environment of the financial system of CSPS. It seeks to touch on all areas of the system that instills order, direction and focus for efficient and effective performance at all levels of management.
The first chapter provides an overview of the entire work, outlining its purpose and objectives, as well as emphasizes the necessity for updates and revision.
Chapter Two sets forth the guiding principles, detailing the relevant concepts and conventions of the financial system.
Chapters three through twelve set out frameworks for policies and procedures for all aspects of the financial control system. These chapters establish points of reference for all the areas of the system consisting of cash and treasury management, expenditure control management, plant property and equipment, procurement and inventory management, payroll management, grants and sub-grantee management, chart of
accounts and operating software, budgeting and budgetary control, financial reporting and audit framework.
1.5 Updates and Revision
a) This is a living manual which will continuously be adapted and aligned to the environment in which the center operates. The manual shall, therefore, be revised annually with the approval of the Executive Director of CSPS and on advice from the Finance department and the endorsement of the Board of Directors.
b) Suggestions and ideas on how the manual could be improved should be forwarded to the Head of Finance who would liaise with the Executive Director of CSPS to effect the necessary identified changes for the endorsement of the Board of Directors.
1.6 Effective Date
Implementation of this manual shall be effective after the Board of Directors endorsement.
Building a democratic state and well informed nation. Working towards a stable, prosperous and peaceful South Sudan and the region; characterised by respect for the rule of law, sustainable and equitable development, socio-economic justice, political empowerment, accountability and governmental transparency, collaborative security, and participatory citizenry.
Enhance the debate on governance, nation and state-building in South Sudan, through applied policy research with the purpose of adding balance, objectivity and critical thinking. Nurturing a strategic thinking, progressive and well-informed leadership in South Sudan.
Building a state that is based on respect of rule of law and good governance Building a research oriented and knowledge production society Creating a nation that is built on the basis of sustainable development Building a nation whose economy is based on agricultural industry and diverse management of resources Building a nation on well-defined national interest and security Facilitating and supporting policy formulation Creating an academic platform for South Sudanese, African scholars and students
Disseminating information, monitoring trends and policy implementation
Implementing innovative capacity building programmes 10. Collaborate with other African and international think
tanks and research institutions
There shall be established a Board of Directors composed of five or seven members, including the Chairperson, drawn from academia, research institutions, and policy-makers. The Board’s main function is to work out and supervise policies and programs/projects that the Center will be tasked to implement. The Board shall also determine the budget, raise funds and receive annual reports of the Center from the Executive Director.
There shall be established an International Advisory Board composed of seven members, including the Chairperson, drawn from regional and international academia, research institutions, and policy-makers. The Board’s main function is to advise the Board of Directors on academic matters and assist in fundraising for projects which are deemed to be important for the activities of the Center.
The Executive Director is the chief accounting officer and administrator of the Center. He/she deals with daily administrative and financial matters of the Center. The Executive Officer reports to the Board of Directors.
· Executive Secretary
The Secretary is the assistant to the Executive Director, the head of research and research program team leaders. She/he manages the Center’s communication activities.
· Legal Advisor
A part time legal aide who will represent the Center in matters relating to Center’s legal relations with other bodies or institutions.
The Director of Research is responsible for research programs in terms of identification of relevant and priority areas at the Center; determines the time frames and works closely with programs’ team leaders. All the program team leaders report to the Head of the Research in all matters related to their research projects. S/he will be assisted by a program officer whose role shall be to supervise the implementation of programs that are in progress.
· Senior Research Fellows
Internationally recognized and reputable scholars associated to diverse research and academic institutions that will collaborate closely with the Center in areas of their speciality and expertise.
· Interns and Research Assistants
The Director of the Research shall determine the allocation and attachment of interns and research assistants to different research programs and the duration of their stay at the Center. Interns with sponsorships will be accepted from local, regional and international higher education and research institutions.
Each of the Research Units will deal and focus with the key strategic areas of growth, development, and stability in Republic of South Sudan and in the region. The government’s policy and agenda for each of these areas will form part of the research focus, given the need to contribute critically and constructively in the building of nation-state. The three research units where necessary will liaise with the government (at the national, state and local levels), civil society, traditional authorities, political parties, and the media, and will interact with the Parliament via regular briefings.
A key aspect of the functioning of SS-CSPS will be the ability to use and strengthen a nation-wide network of researchers and civil society members, to obtain real-time information that is factually correct, unbiased and detailed, in order to best inform the analysis and policy-research process.