CSPS Translation unit provides translation services in most national languagues of South Sudan. 

We currently offer translation services to the following entities: 

  • Government Inistitutions 
  • Non Governmental Organizations
  • Private Entities 
  • Academic Inistitutions 



Definition of Translation

Translation is an art of recognition and response to another person or language. Translation is carried out to the point between Languages, where differences are nearly comprehended.

Translation Guidelines and Principles

  1. Use of full resources and vocabulary of the target language
  2. Where there is no word or phrase in the source language, the translator must translate the concept.
  3. Ideas, not words, should be translated
  4. Translation should neither add any fact to the original, nor omit them.
  5. The translator thoughts and choice of words must be molded by the original text.
  6. Translation must communicate as clearly and naturally as possible 
  7. Translation must be done with attention to the sensitivities and experience of the receptor 
  8. The translator must understand the text and context before translation
  9. The translator must give meaning to translation by transferring the original meaning 
  10. The translator must be attentive to serious and high quality translation when dealing with complex texts.
  11. Do not translate literally 
  12. Keep an eagle eye on typos which may creep in
  13. Translation must be consistent at all time 
  14. Use consistent capitalization 
  15. Use natural expressions, especially when thinking in two languages
  16. Keep sentences brief
  17. The style and manner of writing should be the same character as that of original
  18. The translation should have the ease of the original composition

Qualifications, Skills and Experience

To qualify as a freelance translator with CSPS, the candidate must possess the following:

  1. Translation qualifications or relevant experience
  2. Proven ability to produce accurate translation from English to the national language of competent or any other international language
  3. Fluency in English and national language (reading, writing and speaking)
  4. Willingness to learn and develop translation skills
  5. Ability to manage resources including time and task
  6. Ability to work under pressure and deliver to deadlines 
  7. Understanding of service delivery and customs needs
  8. Excellent in IT skills, Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
  9. Experience in technical translation, using specialist vocabulary
  10. Understanding of different cultures
  11. Able to maintain confidentiality
  12. Broad general knowledge