1.      Building a state that is based on respect of rule of law and good governance 2.      Building a research oriented and knowledge production society 3.      Creating a nation that is built on the basis of sustainable development 4.      Building a nation whose economy is based on agricultural industry and diverse management of resources 5.      Building a nation on well-defined national interest and security 6.      Facilitating and supporting policy formulation Read more 


Building a democratic state and well informed nation. Working towards a stable, prosperous and peaceful South Sudan and the region; characterized by respect for the rule of law, sustainable and equitable development, socio-economic justice, political empowerment, accountability and governmental transparency, collaborative security, and participatory citizenry.


Enhance the debate on governance, nation and state-building in South Sudan, through applied policy research with the purpose of adding balance, objectivity and critical thinking. Nurturing a strategic thinking, progressive and well-informed leadership in South Sudan.

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